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On Air

Michael Maze


Maze is the “New Guy” here at RADIO 104.1 but…he’s not all that new to most Connecticut listeners. He’s worked around the area for a few years now most recently doing a morning show (for the past  6 years).

While you may know Maze from his work in Connecticut others have known him as well.

Maze was the host of an internationally syndicated radio show “The Modern Buzz” which was heard in 62 countries on nearly 900 stations…he did a little work with M TV appearing on “All Things Rock” with Ben and Joel from Good Charolette and “The Rock 20” too!

Maze has worked with some interesting names in the biz…including, Howard Stern, David Lee Roth (yup, the dude from Van Halen) and the man who was named “Radio Programmer of the CENTURY” Scott Shannon.

“I’ve been trying to get on the air here at radio 104.1 FOR ABOUT TWO YEARS” says Maze “It’s such a great station…I’ve been a fan since the FIRST time around”

In fact, years ago Maze snuck into the studios with members of the band Better Than Ezra and was a guest DJ under a fake name “Punky Frehley”….I lasted about an hour before someone figured it out and I got bounced!

Follow maze on twitter @michaelmaze or on Face Book
